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목록분류 전체보기 (174)
글꼴 설정 ~/.mplayer/config 파일에 다음을 추가 fontconfig=1 font=malgun.ttf unicode=1 subcp=cp949 자막 설정 Preference에서, Subtitle란의 인코딩은 cp949로 해 주고, Font란의 인코딩은 유니코드로 설정해 주어야 한다. 글꼴로는 아무 곳의 아무 한글 트루타입 폰트를 지정한다. font=/usr/share/fonts/ko/TrueType/font_name.ttf font 경로로 다음 경로를 지정해야 할 수도 있다. /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts 즉 font=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/font_name.ttf 다른 방법으로 임의의 한글 폰트를 ~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf 로 링크를 걸어 사..
http://www.phpmac.com/articles.php?view=252 http://www.phpmac.com/articles.php?view=214 For anyone that has been wishing to switch to Apache 2 on their Mac, this is the time to do it. PHP 5 has also recently been updated to 5.1.3 and this tutorial describes in detail, the best method to both build and install these programmes on your Mac. Since Apple don't include Apache 2 with OS X yet I have f..
야채와 채소의 차이는 무엇일까? 채소는 중국 한자, 야채는 일본에서 건너 온 말이라고 한다. http://kin.naver.com/db/detail.php?d1id=11&dir_id=110211&eid=2zYxWRt8k1cAUl8YVOegKNm/hL9p7fVn&qb=vt/DpCDDpLzS 1. 채소 (菜蔬) 또는 야채 (野菜) vegetable 온갖 푸성귀와 나물을 통털어 이르는 말. 신선한 상태로 부식(副食) 또는 간식에 이용되는 초본성의 재배식물일 반적으로 수분이 많으며 저장이 곤란한 것이 많다. 다만 산야에서 채집한 비재배식물, 즉 산채(山菜)는 채소에 포함되지 않는다. 한국에서 재배되고 있는 채소의 종류는 60여 가지로, 그 대부분이 문화의 교류에 따라 외국으로부터 들어왔다. 마늘·순무·무·배추 ..
SheepShaver is an Open Source PowerPC MacOS run-time environment. That is, it enables you to run PowerPC Classic MacOS software on your computer, even if you are using a different operating system. However, you still need a copy of MacOS and a PowerMacintosh ROM image to use this program. SheepShaver is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). http://www.gibix.net/dok..
Basilisk II is an Open Source 680×0 Macintosh emulator developed by Christian Bauer. That is, it enables you to run 68k MacOS software on your computer, even if you are using a different operating system. However, you still need a copy of MacOS and a Macintosh ROM image to use this program. Basilisk II is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). http://www.gibix.net/d..
http://support.wolfram.com/mathematica/systems/linux/intel/deletenext51.html Some users of the SuSE Linux 9.2 and 10 (64-bit) distributions have indicated that the following stderr dialog box may occur while starting Mathematica 5.x: Warning: Actions not found: delete-next-character (This may occur multiple times) Please follow these steps to prevent these warnings from appearing at startup. In ..
http://en.opensuse.org/Running_FLUENT_6.2_on_SuSE_10.1. Introduction FLUENT 6.2 uses an sh script to be launched. The script has been written for bash 3.0 and is not working anymore with bash 3.1, provided by SuSE 10.1. The proble Wainting for an official solution by FLUENT, it is possible to use FLUENT on SuSE 10.1 by installing a local copy of bash 3.0. What do I need? You have to download the..