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목록전체 글 (174)
다음 두 파일을 삭제 후 다시 실행. 1. ~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office 2008/Microsoft Office 2008 Settings.plist 2. /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Office/OfficePID.plist이 후 과정 수행.
Options to Quit: In Entourage Menu select "Turn off Office Notifications" Double-click the Office Notifications program, located in the Microsoft Office X/Office folder. On the Office Notifications menu, click Turn Off Office Notifications. Fire up 'Activity Monitor' (older OS called it Process Viewer), look for 'database daemon' and choose 'quit process' from the processes menu (just do a nor..
Apr 2005
http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ CD 없는 랩탑에 리눅스를 설치하기 뤼해 설치 CD 내용을 USB에 기록하는 프로그램
다음 위치에 복사하고, /usr/share/fonts/truetype명령 수행 fc-cache -r
I've installed OpenSuSE 11 and reinstalled Gambit 2.2.30. I have encountered following error when I run Gambit. gambit: xcb_lock.c:77: _XGetXCBBuffer: Assertion `((int) ((xcb_req) - (dpy->request)) >= 0)' failed.I don't know what's the exact reason, but I found a workaround after digging the net. opensuse:~> gambit -x11 &Good luck.